Friday, January 25, 2013

Thoughts on Negativity.

I think that it is really easy to get stuck wishing that you could go back to a specific time. I know that I am certainly guilty of this. I often wish that I could go back to high school when life was easy. I was surrounded by friends I had known forever, school was a piece of cake, I was always around my family and I had my horses nearby. What more could I want? This longing and nostalgia is perpetuated by my tough adjustment to college where times aren't nearly as easy and carefree and I am not as happy. However, I have come to realize that filling your mind with negativity and longing for the past takes away from the present.

In my opinion, people get stuck wishing this or wishing that and they dont take a moment to think of the greatness in their life. For me, I completely take for granted that I am at one of the top Universities in the country. I have an amazing family, I have had great opportunities and I have led a privileged life that I am incredibly grateful for. But I occasionally get in a "woe is me" mindset that isn't fair to myself or those in my life. I don't like this. I want to be the happy individual that I always have been, where I am appreciative for all the good in my life.

What bothers me the most though is the fact that as I sit there complaining, life is happening. It races by picking up the lucky folk who are wise enough to hop on board and take life by storm. It brings new opportunity and people. It brings more thoughts and experiences. Most importantly though, it brings challenges. Challenges that help us grow as individuals. And isn't that the goal? To better ourselves and become the greatest person that we can? You see if I spend all my time wishing for the past and detesting the challenges that present themselves, what good am I doing myself? Each obstacle that I overcome will benefit me later on. So this is my new outlook on life: I will face any issue that I may have and find a benefit from it. I will remain positive and constantly work towards something. I will not hide or be scared of what is presented. Most importantly though, I will not resent any situation that I find myself in.

So come at me world! I am ready to take on whatever you may serve because I want to be strong. I want to grow. I want to be proud of myself and I want that happiness that comes along with defeating any monsters that may step in my path.

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